Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pondering & Portfolio

Nothing necessarily groundbreaking or earth shattering to report from the last few days other than portfolio work seems to be moving along quite nicely. I realize it's maybe a tad early to be concentrating this heavily on portfolio already but it seems as though at the end of the semester I'm so rushed that I never get to do as thorough of a job on it as I would like - hence this semester I'm being pro-active and starting early - this is kinda a big deal for me!

While working away on the portfolio I'm pondering the list of stuff that needs to get done this week for studio, or rather simply thought about...not entirely sure...but it's plaguing my thoughts! The following questions need to be addressed -

- What does your monster/thing do?
- What is it about?
- What is its purpose?
- What is its site? (not specific at this point, characteristic)

Also some other items that need to be thought about are -

- Gathering all portfolio material (currently have an ok handle on this...I think)
- Suggest where the 'thing' should go (also addressed above in questions)
- Evolution
- Purpose
- Interpretations and tectonics
- Percenium
- Autopoetic system
- What are its disturbances?
- GOOD drawings
- Light & sound considerations

All of this is in the works, I'll update appropriately!

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