Monday, October 22, 2007

Frustration sets in

Currently I am overwhelmed! I am absolutely in love with the possibilities of my walking Teletubby in terms of interaction as well as entertainment, but at the same time this excitement has also been discouraging me. Although the other objects that I have hold tons of potential, their capabilities just don't seem to be fitting the ideas that I'm having in terms of movement, especially in terms of movement as a group.

Ideas have been flying through my head like crazy and my concept has been changing slightly more everyday. Despite the changes that I may be making to my ideas my underlying theme stays the same which is research based - movement, puppetry, interaction -

So out of frustration today I went on the hunt for more items that spoke to me in the same way that the Teletubby does. I managed to find a few things that I'm really happy with in terms of possibility. The first is a tiny walking duck and the second is a bouncing Tigger. The duck excites me so much in that it will be amazing once I extend its legs in the same way that I'm doing currently with the Teletubby, but it walks much faster and has a more complicated arm movement opening up a few more possibilities that way. The Tigger has a crazy amount of leg power and I'm hoping to give him a few more legs than the other two character which should create a really interesting movement!

So hopefully this means I'm on track to something good, not that I wasn't before but it feels like I'm still lacking focus....tomorrow will hopefully be clearer! It's not that I'm not moving forward it's just that I'm not totally sure where I'm headed....although that may not be a negative thing...

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