Thursday, October 25, 2007

Plan A failed but Plan B is a success!

So unfortunately, or not depending on how I look at it I guess, my mold making failed, kinda miserably. Each individual step seemed to go well, and I honestly had a really positive and hopeful outcome for the process as a whole as well as a potentially really cool final product, but in the end it just didn't work out.

Basically to summarize things the rubber mold worked great to a certain extent but it took way to long and probably would have greatly benefited from about twice as many coats. The rubber mold had issues sticking to the plaster backing, which I probably should have seen coming, and then because of the fragile state of the rubber portion of the mold, unfortunately the resin seeped in between the two layers and acted more like a glue between the two - I totally didn't see this coming. Anyways once I managed to finally get the resin piece out of the two part mold it honestly wasn't going to work exactly how I planned. The fit was just not precise enough and the holes for the steel leg rods just weren't going to work.

So after days of hard work, frustration set in and with some brainstorming a new plan got set into place yesterday! I call it - Plan B!

Plan B reverts back to what I had originally discussed during an earlier guest crit - sandwiching a material in between the two foot pieces and securing the rods somehow - the "somehow" is the part that has been a rediculous battle! Sketches will get posted along with photos tomorrow but basically my 'monster' is now walking again, yay, and the system that I have used allows me to completely disassemble him and pack him up for Montreal (always a plus).

A have achieved a little tiny piece of success and will now continue to move forward!

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