Sunday, November 25, 2007

Light Drawings - Take 1

This weekend the focus was on capturing the actions, movements, tendencies, quirks and personality of my large walking machine, which will be my main focus until the end of term as it is the most developed of the two. The two main actions of the walking machine are its ability to shuffle and stumble in a walking motion across the floor as well as its dynamic antenna which as discussed in an earlier posting have the appearance of flowing grass blowing in the wind.

I decided from earlier experimentation with long exposure light photography that this would be the most rewarding technique to use when trying to capture the movement of the antenna. This method also proved effective to make use of as I did not want to inhibit their natural movement or falsify their natural reactions to the walking motion. By attaching an LED to each of them I am able to track their movement by simply turning off the light, which provides no interference to their motion.

I was quite pleased with my findings, as I knew their would obviously be a tracking of their movements, I did not however realize that even though their paths of travel seemed quite random their was in many cases a pattern to their movements. This repetitive act of movement creates geometric patterns that appear almost as shapes, a kind of helix?

This is only a small sampling of the hours of photos taken this afternoon, more are to come. I am also going to be using the photos overlaid with one another to identify further patterning and continue with my course of tracking movement through drawing!

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