Monday, March 10, 2008


Clarity & direction – finally it feels like I know what I’m doing instead of searching for a light in a dark space!

In the previous post I created a brief abstract which was posted on the Dedale page to give a general sense of where I am going with things, I will now attempt to explain it a little clearer…

The virus that I wish to inhabit the space (area), in Point Douglas, will have a supposed starting point which is in close proximity to the river due to the properties of water. I have been searching for an opportunity to relate the “upper” and “lower” in keeping with the characteristics of my machine last semester and after the last critique have found it fitting to make use of the telephone poles and lines as a substrate for the virus to inhabit and subsequently use as a method of spreading.

Essentially the virus will live in the spaces above us, which is essential to our lives in terms of communication yet is a space which we do not physically inhabit or go. Similar to my machine last semester the upper structure was a way of holding up the lights of the antennae, very much like the telephone wires transferring data. The virus cell, some sort of a machine capable of traveling along wires, will live on the lines in constant searching of a host in which to spread and begin the infection process, in the same process a disease would spread.

For a disease to spread the host environment must be suitable and because I have been researching joints and attachments it is fitting to declare this the criteria for inhabitation by the virus. Whether it be a building, an object or a piece of a structure the joint must be suitable for the virus to begin to inhabit. The joints that I am describing are elements contained in the portion of our world in which we come in contact with, the lower portion, opposite to the telephone wires. Therefore having a way to link the two would relate one to the other creating an opportunity to grow a world of inhabitance in between them.

I imagine this taking place by the viral creature inhabiting the lines sending out an infectious strand, in this case a cable or line from the machine, to attach to a suitable attachment and latch on. This would then begin the inhabitation process. The strands of infection, the lines, would become gradually more embedded and more securely attached by having many points of contact or fixation. Once the virus, the above machine, has become comfortable with its relationship to the host environment it can then begin to infect which would be a relationship between the two becoming evident. Again this is the relationship between the upper and lower worlds.

In this in between world is essentially the infection which I wish to take the form of a fabric formed structure much like the membrane of a cell structure, again in relation to the virus and disease. The skeleton of the structure will be comprised of the points of attachment and the lines of distribution of the infection, the cables. The fabric formed structure will grow from the viral inhabitant of the above telephone lines down towards the attachments below. These structures not only form a visual relationship between the upper and lower worlds that previously contained an unexplained existence between them but will also fill the voids between intentionally constructed spaces – something unintended for which has the opportunity to exist – again like the virus.

…hopefully that is somewhat more explanatory!

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