Monday, March 10, 2008

Mast & Boom

As a compliment to the studio this semester the process, method & theory course is allowing me to look in depth at a particular technical aspect of my project to develop it to a more refined state. Last week we had small seminar meetings to discuss a direction that would be suitable for research so that the studio would benefit as much as possible.

Because of where my interests currently lay in regards to the Institute of Lightweight Structures I have been encouraged to look at flexible fabric structures & extreme textiles, which relate to a lot of my fascination with Frei Otto. In relation to this, in pairing with my interest in connections & attachments I have been encouraged to focus my research in regards to Sails.

I hope to look at some specific parts in particular including the mast and its relationship to the boom. In addition to researching the larger components I hope to also look into some of the smaller pieces including brackets, cleats & blocks.

So far I have began my research in finding general overviews of parts and components to begin the process -

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