Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Tonight I began to put the Teletubby back together to a certain extent so that I could begin to study his full range of actions, movements and reactions. Tonight was also my first go at soldering, which I can't say I'm an expert at but it will only take practice I'm sure. While re-building the lower half of the body I discovered by error that if the motor gets put in backwards then when activated the Teletubby will walk backwards. I was also luckily able to fit the two pieces of the great box back together which for whatever reason had been giving me some trouble earlier in the week. Also I was able to re-attach the small microphone that was never attached in the first place to two wires that I was unaware of their purpose during the dissection process. Due to the re-attachment the Teletubby now responds to sound causing it to dance, basically what would happen if the hand sensor was pushed. Once the re-construction is complete in the morning I will be taking some video footage that will get posted, so stay tuned!

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