Friday, March 14, 2008

25 tiny structures

I began documentation of my tiny structures and started to realize their true complexity. Over the weekend I will begin to analyze each one individually now that I have experience them as a whole to see that kind of opportunities each one has to offer in terms of form & attachment capabilities to different conditions that they may encounter. In total I constructed 25 tiny structures which are each unique and will hopefully offer different aspects & direction to my process.

I think right now the biggest piece of information that I will take from this first session of play is that if the right sequence of structural arrangement is combined it can actually be quite supportive. This is probably a round about way of me realizing how it is possible to build a bridge to span a particular distance without having any supports below but I'm happy that my experimentations are giving me cues.

The next task at hand that I hope to tackle starting tomorrow is using some of the mini structures that I have created to attempt to leap from one structure to another, I figure if I can make them self supportive without being attached to anything there is no reason why I can't use them as a bridge like structure.

I would appreciate any further input on a possible next step to take or criticism on what I have achieved so far.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Ok so you have 25 potential structures that you can start to explore. Of course you need to review them and think about their opportunities and how they can possibly grow into larger systems.

The real question here is not what I think about them, but which ones do YOU think have the most possibility? Why do they have the most possibility? How do you test these possibilities?

You basically start to work them again, but this time with an eye on developing them as a system that responds to the needs that you have developed over the term.

some thinks to think about:

how do they attach? to substrates and to themselves

how do they expand into a system?

is it a linear system, or can it expand in a broader way?

How can it expand and adapt itself to the various existing condtions that it is going to meet?

How can these systems develop into a form of a genetic species that adapts and alters with every condition?

even if they are structurally integral, where is the flexibility? can they curve or only go in one direction etc?

How can you forsee or imaging inhabiting the spaces that you are developing? Can their be room to expand?

Do these structures imply a volume that you can eventually inhabit? if so, how can you clad them? And using what materials? How do these materials connect to the strucutre?

If these materials are flexible then what is appropriate way to implement them? Should it all be made of sail material? It would be clearly uncomfortable to have a floor made of this stuff wouldn't it?

Finally, what direction can you take this in that starts to resonate with the ideas that you have been developing earlier? Where is the influence of the bunched geometry or the work of Harry Bertoya that you looked at earlier in the term?

All in all, you still have to examine the implications of what you had started to build.

This is not necessarily an excercise, this is how one begins a project and starts to develop it. In other words, what you are doing here is for real and not just an excercise/.

Keep making and developing the work and start to work towards developing it into a system by making the models, drawings and etc.

keep going Shannon